Driven Too Far Podcast

106: How to Transition Back to a Company Driver

Did your lease program not work out as planned? In this episode, Andrew offers guidance for truckers facing the challenges of transitioning back to a company driver role after a lease program. Exploring the reasons why lease programs might not be the…

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103: Is Lease Purchase Trucking a Good Idea

Lease purchase trucking is becoming an increasingly popular way for truck drivers to get their start in the industry. It can be a great option for those who want to own their own truck but don’t have the money to outright buy one. However, there are…

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102: Is Your Ego Costing You Loads?

Tired of your ego getting in the way of making smart trucking decisions? In this episode, we break down how an unchecked ego can sabotage your pay, damage your relationships with dispatch, and even cost you loads.   Andrew, with his years of…

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